Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Upside Down

Nah, my semester 2 life kind of... upside down?
Suddenly busy like hell. But sometimes I'm free like heaven.
Believe it or not, I hate FREE! Because it "teach" me to become a crazy-lazy person ever!
But deep in my heart, I hate BUSY more than FREE. hahaha..

Well well well.. Lets see my "good-attitude".
Quiz= Didn't prepare anything.
Test= Last minutes study (I mean, VERY last minutes)
*bila la mau berubah ni*
And for final exam, I don't want that "didn't prepare anything+Last minute study"!!
I wanna get the very BEST results!
Haish.. whatever it is, I shouldn't waste my time by playing around for nothing.
Just like what my lecturer said "Be smart in exam,but be stupid during lecture" haha..

Well, its time for CHANGE!haha..just joking. I know that I can't change myself. It will always be me `cuz I can play so damn crazy, but I can be so damn struggle for study also.

Now I'm trying to prepare my WEAPONS

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